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Pronunciation Article

By: Emma Towns and Rosie Meek

(see-rup)    or


(bay-gel)     or


(car-ra-mel)      or    (car-mel)

(roo-te)    or (rou-t)

(dae-ta)    or (dat-ta)

(vaa-s)    or (vae-se)

(cray-on)     or (cray-aan)

(Add-ult)    or (adu-lt)

(pa-jam-as)      or (pa-jaa-mas)

(pee-can)     or (pec-on)

There are many different ways to pronounce different words neither  ways are wrong just different. Here is Mrs. Tillery’s theory on why people pronounce thing differently, “ it usually depends on where they grew up and how they were raised some regions in the usa they just pronounce words differently”

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