Frankey Oldham & Emeila Hicks
Should pools sooner or later in the summer? Most pools open Memorial Day weekend. But if they opened earlier, you can have more time swimming and hanging out with friends. Some people say later because then you don’t get tired, and you could go hang out somewhere else. It’s better to open pools earlier because the temperature begins to rise. First grader Finn Petro said he wants pools to open sooner so you have more time to play. Annabelle Siri, a fifth grader, said that pools should open later because if the pool is colder then you do not want to get into the pool. Algae is also more likely to form in late spring and early summer. When algae is growing in your pool, you have to clean it and it takes a while. If your pool opens too soon, you can end up dealing with different weather changes due to where you live. What do you think? Tell us in the comments!
A pool glimmering in the morning sunlight
Photo credit: Evie haug